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Marc Mauro Biography


“Real artists are born as artists. They live with a permanent drive to create, and they do this day after day. They never stop

producing andnever stoptrying to surpass themselves.”  -Eddy Stevens


Since the day Marc Mauro pitched that ping pong ball into the depths of a fishbowl at his grade school fair, the eternal question has become, was it finesse, a fluke, or destiny? We’ve all been there, promenading home, while gingerly carrying our goldfish in a plastic bag, brimming with anticipation and excitement to set up our companion’s humble abode. From the second that goldfish cascaded into the water, it was safe to say, something resonated throughout Marc’s entire being. Little did anyone realize, that this was just the beginning.


Developing a passion for aquariums at the age of 10, Marc dedicated every minute he had, floating from one fish store to the next. He became inspired to resurrect his father’s dormant fish tank from the basement, cut deals at flea markets for second hand equipment, and scoured the pennysaver collecting abandoned systems from people who lost enthusiasm. His bedroom became congested with a variety of habitats, each one containing distinctive parameters so that different species could blossom in their natural environment. Aquariums became more than just a hobby, they became a fascination. Almost 25 years later, not a single thing has changed.


As the years passed, Marc’s ambitious nature propelled him into saltwater aquariums and reef keeping. After a plethora of extensive research and 22 years of experience, not only did he learn how to become a prosperous reef keeper, but he recognized that many hobbyists were unsuccessful during their opening stages. Marc rapidly became energized to help others succeed, and in 2009 he established REEF SIMPLE INC. His goal was a straightforward one; He aimed to correct the common misconceptions within the hobby by creating a community where reefers from around the world could unite and exchange expertise. While focusing on REEF SIMPLE, Marc observed that the reefs were gradually becoming in jeopardy due to climate changes, and poachers raping the corals for profit. Marc’s interests in preserving the reefs, motivated him in 2011, to construct his own saltwater reproduction system in order to evaluate coral growth within its natural surroundings. Marc attended seminars, spoke with marine biologists, and ventured to Indonesia, where he educated himself by intimately monitoring aquaculture farmers, dive collectors, and holding facilities. He meticulously studied water parameters, current, pattern growth, nutritional values, and the effects of acid rain in order to determine the ideal conditions in which each specimen thrives in. His mission was to implement this information into a home aquarium to attain maximum coral growth and stability. It took him 3 years to perfect his technique, and as his knowledge grew, so did his facility. His 150 gallon system expanded into a 2000 gallon treatment and propagation system, he became the first person on the east coast to introduce and implement the use of LED lighting in order to better control temperature and fine tune growth under natural spectrums. Marc became so successful at amplifying coral, he created GOT FRAGS in order to redistribute his crop, to other reefers who were interested in cultivating their own aquariums.  


While documenting the achievement of his growth, Marc was determined to create the impact as if the viewer was surrounded by the aquarium. He became concentrated in presenting the evolution in an innovative manner that no one has ever witnessed. Marc strategically set up intricate lighting systems and manipulated water conditions in order to capture each breed in its paramount form. Becoming more enchanted with every click, Marc realized his photos were more than just photos, Marc started to see something completely different, Marc saw art.


Taking 2 years to complete, Marc veraciously assembled a collection of lush photos, exploding with memorizing colors and mind blowing patterns to create a peaceful calm tranquility in your soul. Not only inspired by his love of the reef, but also by his admiration of photography, Marc vigorously embraced this personal project with great pride and commitment to create something never before seen by the human eye. Being no stranger when it comes to photography, he challenged himself with a determined persistence to present this subject matter drenched in originality. Excited to unveil his work in the world of fine art, he devoted an enormous amount of time to develop all aspects of this project from preproduction to post. He precisely researched inks, printers, and paper stocks in order to create everlasting colors that will rupture the tension in your mind and provide a timeless atmosphere for your thoughts to explore. QUESTIONMARC CREATIONS is thrilled to release, MARC MAURO’S 2016 GEN1 REEF PRINT COLLECTION.  




Phone:  718.892.2118


Open From 10am-6pm



Reef Prints
O: 718.892.2118

F: 718.892.2118


Marc Mauro
C: 917.882.1603

F: 718.892.2118



Questionmarc Inc.

Artist Managment

1511 Stadium Ave.

Bronx, New York 10465

O: 718.892.2118

F: 718.892.2118



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